All posts by CMI

Progress Meeting in April 2018

Stakeholder meeting

25-27 April 2018, Alicante, Spain

The meeting will be focused on the exchange between BiRD consortium and BiRD stakeholders, as we did in the past during xDReflect. In the agenda, talks about our research on BRDF measurement at NMI level and breakout sessions where we can have your feedback and discuss needs, issues and collaborations.


Venue: Culture UA center 

Address:  Calle San Fernando 40, 03001 Alicante – see on googlemaps

Arrangement Details

Call for Stakeholders

We are currently building the stakeholder committee of BiRD project! It is opened to all person/institution/company/committee interested in the topics of BRDF, gloss, sparkle and datafile format. Terms of Reference of the Stakeholder Committee describe the purpose and role of the Stakeholder Committee and can be found here on the website. If you want to joint the committee, please contact us. Stakeholder committee will be formed first half of January 2018.

Survey on measurements of surface reflectance and colour

Please find below a link to an online survey intended for industries making surface reflectance or colour measurements.  If this is relevant for you, we appreciate your filling out the survey, which shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.  The information we gather will be used to help CIE decide next steps with regard to standards, guidance and training.

 The survey will remain open until 31 July 2017.

Many thanks for your time.